Stay Plugged In Coca-Cola All-Stars

Rules, Requirements & Structure

Nominee Base Requirements

In order for a nominee to qualify for being selected as a Stay Plugged In Coca-Cola All-Star, they must meet the following:

  • A resident in the United States
  • A Junior or Senior in High School (Class of 2025 or 2026)
  • Must be in good standing with Stay Plugged In (not banned, suspended or otherwise under a probation term due to prior actions).

Nominee Selection Process

All nominations are evaluated through the lens of four general pillars: Gameplay, Sportsmanship, Intangibles & Supporting Nominations. Each nomination is evaluated based on the entire picture of the information provided based around these four pillars. Through this evaluation process, spearheaded by our independent Selection Committee, we will announce the forty All-Stars on November 7th. Please note that this is a closed process and further details will not be provided as to the nuances of who will be selected or not in an effort to retain player confidentiality.

Nominee Judging Structure

Each nominee is awarded points based on the information provided in their submission, and through observed gameplay & sportsmanship. The points based system (detailed below) rewards a maximum of 45 points from four categories, and includes both objective and subjective criteria. Please note, organizers will review social media postings for all finalists. Any form of hate speech, discrimination, or harassment will result in immediate disqualification.

  • Gameplay
    • [15 PTS] Gameplay observation, submission, and subjectivity of judges based on gameplay submissions (clips, reels, etc.)
    • [5 PTS] Online ranked
      • VALORANT - Peak rank achieved in the last three acts
        • [5 PTS] - Radiant
        • [4 PTS] - Immortal
        • [3 PTS] - Ascendant
        • [2 PTS] - Diamon
        • [1 PTS] - Lower than Diamond
      • Rocket League - Peak rank achieved in the last two seasons
        • [5 PTS] - SSL
        • [4 PTS] - Grand Champion
        • [3 PTS] - Champion
        • [2 PTS] - Diamond
        • [1 PTS] - Platinum & lower
    • [10 PTS] SPIN Events Points
      • [3 PTS] - 1st Place in Carry2College
        • [2 PTS] - 2nd - 4th in Carry2College
          • [2 PTS] - 1st Place in Online Showcase
            • [1 PTS] - 2nd - 4th in Online Showcase
              • [2 PTS] - 1st Place in LAN
                • [1 PTS] - 2nd - 4th in LAN
                  • [1 PTS] - participation in any SPIN event
                    • Note, only ten points can be awarded here, even if a player wins multiple events. Events count if event dates were between Jan 1, 2024 and October 27th, 2024.
                  • Sportsmanship
                    • [3 PTS] Questionnaire Responses
                      • Questionnaire responses can get 0, 1, 2 points per question.
                        • The two responses as part of the “Long Response” section on the nomination form will be evaluated here.
                        • [2 PTS] Letters of recommendation
                          • Letters can give 0, 0.5, 1 points per recommendation
                            • Up to five letters of recommendations can be submitted. The best two will be scored.
                          • Intangibles
                            • [2 PTS] “Video of Self” - can be rewarded 0, 1, 2 points
                              • See the section below “Appendix A: Video of Self Description” for details
                              • [2 PTS] Extracurricular activities - each can reward 0, 0.5, 1 points (max two points awarded)
                              • [1 PTS] Academics
                                • 0.5 for 3.0 - 3.74 GPA, 1 pt for 3.75+ GPA (unweighted)
                              • Additional Nominations
                                • [5 PTS] For each additional nomination you receive from another person, you can receive 0.25 points for each.
                                • Max 20 submissions
                              • Bonus Points
                                • [0.5 PTS] Participation in one LAN event - limit 1
                                • [0.5 PTS] Participation in two showcases - limit 1
                                • [1 PTS] “Special Nomination” - 1 point MAX
                                  • We give each judge member the ability to award their three (one max per player) bonus point to one nominee, based on how they see fit.

                                Code of Conduct

                                All Players are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and maintain respect for one another, for all Tournament Organizers, for all spectators, and for all other present persons. Players must follow all instructions of the Tournament Organizers. Players are expected to play at their best at all times within the Tournament and to avoid any behavior inconsistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair play. Any Player behaving inappropriately, or not competing in compliance with these Official Rules (including the Game Play Rules), as determined by the Tournament Organizers in their sole discretion, may be immediately disqualified from the Tournament and forfeit all potential prizes. Further, the Tournament Organizers reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to ban disqualified Players from any future tournament or event organized by Tournament Organizers, if deemed necessary.


                                • Toxicity Rules
                                  • Any toxicity toward any teammate, opponent, admin, or any other person involved in the event will result in team and/or player disqualification or warning. The lead admin reserves the right to make the final decision determining whether or not a player’s actions fall under this ruling.
                                  • Toxicity includes but is not limited to:
                                    • Verbal or physical harassment
                                      • Excessive swearing or rude behavior
                                        • Name-calling or offensive language
                                          • Phrases such as, but not limited to: ggez, ez, ezwin, diff, int, noob, l2p, you’re bad, etc.
                                            • Racist/Sexist/Homophobic language will result in an immediate permanent ban of a player and potential disqualification of the team at the discretion of the Stay Plugged In staff. Said player would also receive a permanent ban from Stay Plugged In Events.
                                              • Constant and repetitive disregarding of directions from event admins
                                                • Ex. If a Stay Plugged In admin has asked you to refrain from posting aggressive messages in public chats and you continue to do so, you and your team are subject to penalties.
                                                • This includes repetitive arguments with other players resulting in a hindrance of admins abilities to do their jobs in a constructive and timely manner.
                                            • The lead admin reserves the right to make the final decision determining whether or not a player’s actions fall under this ruling.
                                            • Examples of Appropriate Language
                                              • Phrases such as, but not limited to: GG, GGs, GLHF, GL, GR, GH, nice, nice shot, etc.
                                            • Bad Manners Rules - Nonverbal communications or actions in-game or in a chat that are meant to disparage, criticize or harass a representative of another team.
                                              • Examples of Bad Manners
                                                • “Teabagging” - The repeated crouching and standing motion over a dead enemy’s body
                                                  • Spraying gunfire at a dead body
                                                    • “Dancing” or bunny-hopping repeatedly over a dead player
                                                      • Any emoting over corpses
                                                        • Any usage of sprays/graffiti in a demeaning or unsportsmanlike manner, such as over a corpse
                                                          • In “bomb” or “spike” style games, repeatedly starting and stopping the defuse to delay the defuse when the entire opposing team is dead.
                                                            • Excessive sarcasm
                                                              • Using symbols to send “Smiley Faces - :)” through game chat can be considered sarcastic. A warning may be provided at admin discretion.
                                                              • Any excessive usage after receiving a warning may result in consequences.
                                                          • Excessive BM’ing (Bad Manners)
                                                            • While we understand that a certain level of BM is built into competitive gaming, excessive use may result in disqualification for a player or team.
                                                              • After receiving a warning, if BM’ing does not subside, the player or team guilty may be subject to match forfeiture and disqualification from the event.


                                                            • Potential Penalty List
                                                              • First Offense - Warning
                                                              • Second Offense - Player disqualification from Event
                                                                • Player may be removed from the Stay Plugged In discord at the Lead Admins discretion
                                                                • Third Offense - Team Disqualification from event
                                                                  • Player may be removed from the Stay Plugged In discord at the Lead Admins discretion
                                                                  • Stay Plugged In reserves the right, to forgo bestowing a warning and immediately move to a greater consequence should the situation demand it.
                                                                    • Ex. Any use of Racist/Sexist/Homophobic remarks regardless of the direction or intent will result in an immediate ban from all Stay Plugged In events.

                                                                  Social Media

                                                                  • All nominees are expected to maintain clean social media presences. Any inappropriate, foul or otherwise deemed inappropriate behavior, posts, comments and other interactions on any social media platform, including, but not limited to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitch, YouTube & Discord will be considered a violation to 3.1.
                                                                    • Upon found or submitted evidence, Stay Plugged In holds the right to disqualify any nominee from the selection process.
                                                                      • Upon found or submitted evidence, Stay Plugged In holds the right to disqualify any already selected Stay Plugged In Coca-Cola All Star.
                                                                        • Upon doing so, the All-Star would forfeit their rights to any prizing, awards, mentions on media and/or website(s) as it relates to Stay Plugged In Coca-Cola All Stars.

                                                                      Player Release

                                                                      By participating in Stay Plugged In events, each Player hereby irrevocably grants the Tournament Entities and each of their respective licensees, successors and assigns, permission to stream, film, photograph and record the Player’s performance in the Tournament itself and in other Tournament-related activities, including the Player’s name, User Name, Team name and logo, avatar, gamertag or equivalent, any information, images or other media included in the Players submission form, voice, statements, likeness and other personal characteristics, information and so-called publicity rights as they appear therein (collectively, the “Appearance”) and the right, but not the obligation, to distribute, exploit or otherwise use such Appearance, in whole or in part, in any and all media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the Universe in perpetuity for any purpose, including but not limited to, to advertise, market and promote the Tournament, the Tournament Website, the Title Game, the Tournament Entities and future tournaments.

                                                                      Power of Admin

                                                                      Decisions by the lead Event Administrator, in their sole discretion, shall be final


                                                                      Appendix A

                                                                      • Video of Self Description
                                                                        • Intro - Begin by introducing yourself! Use the following format:
                                                                          • "Hi my name is 'First name, Last name', I go by 'gamertag' and I am a 'game title' student athlete from 'City, State'.
                                                                          • Body - Choose three of the following five topics to discuss:
                                                                            • Topic 1 - What is one word that best describes your playstyle? Explain.
                                                                              • Topic 2 - What unique personality traits/attributes do you embody that will benefit your program at the collegiate level? Weaknesses to overcome?
                                                                                • Topic 3 - Share with us your thoughts on the collegiate esports space as it is today.
                                                                                  • Topic 4 - What advice would you give to high school underclassmen about the collegiate recruitment process?
                                                                                    • Topic 5 - Who would you identify as your primary mentor up to this point in your esports career?
                                                                                    • Close - Tell us why you believe you are a Stay Plugged In Coca-Cola All-Star.